Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Facts and observations about Gwarz's NeuClado and its history

NeuClado which very few people know about this term in Psychology. This term comes to live, when a German Neurologist Dr. Schwartz K. Gwarz were researching about a disease of that time and he observed some facts about genes of human, in which human psychology changes to abnormal situation and badly affects it's surroundings.

According to Dr. Gwarz observations, the genes named 'petrovein', when got disturbed by some force, the human body make a unique disturbance which can even go to kill people like beasts. This fact was so important for him, that he started research on this factor and create a history at last.

Dr. Gwarz then stated that:
"The gene problem (NeuClado) when forced by some external disturbance will make a human behave like beast and it is so much dangerous that the human must be put in cage, otherwise he can harm people in surrounding without knowing that they are his relatives."

This observation made the psychological department in thinking, so that later on other people also researched on this topic of Dr. Gwarz observations like Dr. Thokar, Dr. H. M Reboka, Dr. G. kwartz and Dr. S. K Niazi, these people have enhanced this theory in different way.

Nowadays different institutes researching on this topic and have got a lot of more improved observations.

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